Roadtrip Deep Thoughts: Your Story Matters

Ashley shares her dashboard epiphanies

Recently, I was able to celebrate a dear friend by traveling to attend her baby shower. As I mingled and met new people, the inevitable question popped up: “What do you do for a living?” I responded, “I work for a marketing agency.”

The follow-up question: “How many years of experience did you have before joining a marketing agency?”

My answer was simple and honest: “Zero.”

Editor’s note: TealHaus definitely considers Ashley to have marketing experience having most recently worked with a website design/development firm before joining. But her point is noted, we sell ourselves short as women because of imposter’s syndrome and in Ashley’s mind, her experience wasn’t exactly “marketing.”

After the snacks were eaten, the gifts opened, and hugs were given, I started the drive home. Even though music filled my car, my mind kept replaying my response to that final question: “Zero.” I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was selling myself short. I began to think, “Shame on me for not giving myself the credit I deserve.”

Sure, my career has been rooted in sales, events, and hospitality, but it hit me—so much of what I’ve done was actually marketing. Whether it was uncovering the stories of others, refining the stories of the product or service I was selling, or sharing those stories with others, it all boiled down to marketing. It has always been about the story.

Even before I joined the TealHaus team, I was familiar with our slogan, “Where story meets strategy.” What I had not realized was how much of this I had been doing all my life. My experiences, my skills, my journey—all of it was part of my own marketing story.

Uncovering Your Unique Story

It’s easy to overlook the value of our own experiences, but each step we take contributes to our personal brand. Whether it’s sales, teaching, or serving food, all of these roles involve elements of marketing because it is all absolutely rooted in a story. 

Uncovering your unique story means recognizing the skills, knowledge, and experiences you have acquired that contribute to your expertise. Your unique story is what sets you apart and gives you a competitive edge in the industry.

Give Yourself Some Credit

Little did I know that going to a baby shower would lead to a career epiphany, providing me the boost I’ve been unknowingly needing. Let my moment of self-doubt be a chance for you to check yourself and your own imposter syndrome. You have gotten to where you are through hard work and grit, and it has all come together to create a valuable story.

So, the next time you’re asked what you do and how long you’ve been in your field, remember to give yourself the credit you deserve. After all, you have a story too!

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